Pier History

Hey there, beach lovers and history buffs! Let me take you on a trip back in time to the roots of the iconic Pismo Beach Pier. Hold on to your hats, because this pier's story is as wild as the ocean it stretches over. Picture this: the year is 1881, and Pismo's original wharf opens for business, jutting out from a point below the present Main Street. It wasn't just for leisure; oh no, it was a commercial game-changer. Designed to save freight fees for South County products, this pier saw it all – from lumber to other commodities. The Meherin brothers, Arroyo Grande merchants, were the masterminds behind this venture, with D.J. Meherin leading the charge.

Fast forward through the years, and the pier faced its fair share of challenges. Storms came and went, wreaking havoc and leading to various rebuilds. The pier we know today, the one that stretches proudly over the Pacific, was rebuilt in 1985-86 after a massive storm in 1983 washed out most of the wharf. But here's the exciting part: this beloved landmark recently got a major facelift! After being closed for 18 months, the Pismo Pier reopened in October 2018, following an $8.8 million overhaul. Imagine, locals and visitors alike were thrilled to see this historic gem, its renovation completed ahead of schedule and under budget.

So, next time you're strolling down the pier, know that beneath your feet lies a history as deep and rich as the ocean itself. The Pismo Beach Pier isn't just a structure; it's a living testament to resilience, community spirit, and the enduring allure of the sea. Enjoy your beachcombing adventures, and don't forget to tip your hat to the Pismo Pier, a true coastal legend!